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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bruno Day 2009

Ciao Brunisti,

It is time now to begin the Age of Bruno.

Filmmaker Terry Inglese and I have met again after all these years. As many of you may remember, we were both filming in the Campo dei Fiori in 2000. We recently spent a weekend together and she gave me a copy of her wonderful documentary on Bruno. But mostly we inspired each other to create a place in cyberspace—a community—for Bruno and his followers to gather, talk, meet and, most of all, plan events to honor and remember him, especially on February 17 each year.

I’m posting this today to invite all of you to join us. Among the many things we envision, are other gatherings in Rome on February 17 each year—not just one every one hundred years! I, for one, know that I will not be here in 2100 and I want to honor Bruno again in my lifetime, like we did in 2000. So the way we can do that is to keep in touch, plan events and organize.

Please leave your comments here for Bruno, and let us know if you want to get involved. I know we can count on Guido, and others too. So today, please let us know you’re here by leaving a message. And remember Bruno today: with a thought, a red rose, or a commitment to honor him in Rome again—to stand at the foot of his statue and say to him before all the world:

"Thank you!"


Blogger vicieniello said...

Pero' qualumque fij il punto di quefta fera ch'afetto. Si la mutatione e' vera: io che fon ne la notte afpetto il giorno, & quei che fon nel giorno, afpettano la notte. Tutto quel ch'e'; o' e' cqua, o lla', o vicino, o' lungi, o' adeffo, o' poi, o' prefto, o' tardi. Godete dumque, & fi poffete ftate fana, & amate chi v'ama.

19 February, 2009 08:53  
Blogger vicieniello said...

Oggi siamo un passo piu' vicino

19 February, 2009 08:54  
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